

Casual Saying

This is RotCool's small blog. The selection of blog articles is not limited to technical articles, but also various daily life records and so on... Of course, because I'm still a senior high school student for the time being, I don't have much time to work out my own theme, so I use valaxy made by YunYouJun and theme Yun. All contact information is on the sidebar. Welcome to contact me! Then here is about the development and introduction of this site. Those who are interested can have a look.

这是 LKZ 烂裤子酱の小博客呀,博客文章的选材并不局限于技术类文章,还有各种日常生活记录等等等等……当然呐,因为我暂时还是个高中生所以没什么时间自己折腾出主题来,就用了 云游君valaxy 以及对应的 Yun 主题。所有联系方式都在侧边栏,欢迎各位来贴贴!然后这里有关于本站点的发展和介绍,有兴趣的可以看一下。

Development Process of Ani-go
Valaxy v0.14.15 驱动 | 主题 - Yun v0.14.15